Thursday, September 18, 2008

What Irritated Me!

Generally, things don't bug me, but it drives me crazy when people talk essessively about nothing. For instance, my father talks to me and he'll bring up something that has ntohing to do with out conversion. Then he'll explain reasons while im pretending to listen. Sometimes if i don't like what people are saying, I usually tune them out by thinking of something else like a song or what im going to do the following day or something.
I especially hate it when people are drinking and wants to hold a conversion with me. People thats drinking are not in their right frame of mind and they can say somwthing very dangerous. I've known drunk people that has started fights by what they've said and even threatened someone. But when im talking to a drunk person, I usually don't want to much to discuss because it could takeoff into a documentary, so usually I occupy myself so that I would'nt have too much to say. I'm a great listener, but sometimes I don't be in the mood to talk to people when I can't benefit anything from our conseversation.