Friday, November 14, 2008

Morning Madness

When my alarm clock goes off I usually let it sound off for approximately 3-10 minutes then i wake up. After getting out of bed, I often turn on the t.v. depending if i have to rush or not. It's 4 other people in my household so its a battle on who gets in the washroom first. After doing what need to be done in the bathroom, i'll listen to music while trying to enjoy atleast a sandwich for breakfast. I wait for my friends to ring the doorbell then we head out for school. I stay a few blocks away so we walk to school everyday. Most of the time we go to the store to get snacks or something to drink then we walk to school. After entering the building I try not to stop and talk so I head for my locker to put my jacket,etc... in it then head for 1st period class. This is my daily ruitine everymorning when i have to go to school.

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