Friday, January 30, 2009


This essay is about how to get along with your parents. Basically, im a tell you what you should do that'll keep your parents proud of you. I used to live with my mother but now i live with my father, so i know how their reactions and their expectations are. Most paretns are the same when it comes to house hold details that you are responsible for. Sometimes it is good for a child to do chores without the parents telling them to, such as wash dishes, sweep, mop, vacuum, clean rooms, etc... I say that becuase most parents work, and when they get home they dont like coming home to a filthy home. Second, what ever you do, just be honest... the truth will set you free sometimes. Even though parents may not react to certain things you do, they already know and they dont tell you. It's like parents know when it's something wrong. Also, have good grades and get involved in sometype of extra curriculum actibity. Dont just be a couch potato all day every day. The main thing that is on their mind is your future and you have to show them you are responsible enough to make it sucessful...

Thursday, January 29, 2009


It all happen when i was about 9 years old. As a child, i use to run carelessly around the neighborhood with no intentions. I vividly remember around Holloween my cousins and I were playing rough in the alley behind our house. Our elementary school was right across the street and we wasn't able to play in the park because workers were re-modeling the play ground. So, as a group of bored boys with nothing to do, we decided to throw eggs at cars when it got darker out side. After a few smashed eggs on wind shields, we run around the block and continue our mission. The next thing i remember running across the street to the park and bright head lights that concluded me waking up in the emergency room. The car knocked a few of my teeth out, scraped my skin, and busted my ear and part of my head. I was knocked out by hitting my head on the pavement, along with my cousins who suffered injuries as well. It was a hit and run and a person who was wanted by the police. A few days later, my older cousin remembered the car and driver at the gas station. So my mother called the police and the man was arrested and faced many charges. The police awarded us $550 because the man had a warant and a award for any leading clues about him. My cousins and I bought a video game and went to Fun-World." It was a bad thing I was struct by a car, but it ended well because we was awarded for sort of bad behavior.